Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What else?

My Kushkush is back!!!

Maxim is back! Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!!!

I missed you so much, Kushkush!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

So what have I been doing?

Not much...

There was the Pesah, of course. Dinner at my Mom's, the all family! It was a great evening with the closest people to me, as a real holiday should be.

Pesah 2007

Following, thanks to a very good friend, Gabi, I traveled my way to Jordan. It was so great to travel again; even if it was only for 3 days :-).
Jordan is amazing! It is so great to be able to cross the borders between two neighbor countries so easily, too shame we cannot visit all our neighbors :-(.
And of course Petra, of which I knew nothing about (I am shame to admit), Petra is exciting and so powerful! It is a combination of nature and man-made perfection!

Jordan, April 2007

And, I had the best partner for the journey, Gabi! Gabi told me about the special place Petra takes is Israeli history, in the hearts of Israelis ("The red rock").
Gabi is a very special person, I know him for years. He is very sensitive, caring and kind. This time I had the privilege to discover that he is also an adventures traveler, and a fun one!
Thank you Gabi! Always when I think of Petra, I will think of you.
From Jordan, April...

!!!! Lucky me, such a GREAT people I know !!!!!!

What else?

Of course I spend a lot of time with my gorgeous niece; I love this girl with all my heart! She is always fun to be with, always happy, always makes me happy! Life is very simple and easy around her, the adult's world is way too complicated…
From Israel - Frei...

From Israel - Frei...

From Israel - Frei...

From Israel - Frei...

And with Pashka it is always great fun! We got really close since I got back; he understands me. He listens to my endless stories with great enthusiasm and it makes me very happy, I have been traveling for more than six month for these stories :-). He even speaks Khmer with me (Cambodian language) :-)…
I LOVE YOU Pashkin!!!

From Israel - Frei...

From Israel - Frei...

You know, I started by saving I haven't been doing much, but now I just spent the last two hours going over the pictures from the last month and it seems like I did not bad! A lot of happy faces, big Cambodian smiles, good people and a lot of Tel-Aviv beach.

Life is beautiful!

And I have much more to tell, next time...

Be well!!!

Bopha :-)