I should have written earlier, when I just got the news (on Thursday); I was excited and felt like a winner. I did it, I got a job! After exactly 13.5 months off, I am back in business. But it also means something else, it means no Cambodia soon. Again I choose the same known path, and again I am full with doubts, I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up! I still have nothing meaningful in my life! I feel like I should have been doing something great, but I don’t know what it is (maybe it is just my ego talking :-)).
Anyway for now, I am going to do a great System Analysis :-). And I promise myself (and you are here to remind me) I will not give up on the search for this meaning in my life! This much I must do!!!
Today, after a sleepless night I spent the day at a customer site (where I will be doing my Analysis), introduction & kick off meetings. It was so strange!!! The dynamic between people is very different, no more sisters and brothers; people sit around a table and do business, talk business… And to my big surprise within two hours I found myself talking the talk! I guess, after all I have it in me :-), ah… :-)
Anyway, wish me luck! Wish you could join me for a beer to celebrate, but it is too late, the party is NOW officially over!!!
Be well!
I miss Oshka!!!