Friday, September 08, 2006

Aurore Mariotte (Talie)

Me & Tali on the way to get the tattoo
The last 3 days I spent on a trip (alone for the first time) allowed me to look back at the mouth I have spent in Thailand. There are many places I saw and many people I meet. But there is one I want you "to meet in person"! She is the kind of person who lights up the room when she gets in. She is radiant and full of life! She is kind and loving! I already mentioned her several times, well, I am glad to present to you, Aurore Mariotte (Talie - name she uses when she
travels, since people have problem to pronounce her name, which sounds 'Oroh'). Aurore is 21 and she is from France.
She is a unique girl, full of life energy! I meet her in Pai, and we shared some good moments together. From the first moment I felt very comfortable and easy to be around here.
As a go away present she did a fire show in the Rege place on my last evening in Pai, it was really breath taking! Tali is an amazing photographer as well, you can check our her website

She possesses qualities of a book heroine, BUT SHE IS REAL! Passionate! Peaceful! and Happy! Really inspiring!

This is one of the meeting I shell take with me!

Be well!


Anonymous said...

Hi !
Aurore is my daughter, i am impressing, i discovered her qualities from Oskana, it's véry
Oskana, i thing you are a friendly gilr too.i Hope you are happy.
Thankyou for commentaries from >Aurore and your picture.
Sorry for my language; its very bad
Anny Mariotte

Anonymous said...

Hi !
Aurore is my daughter, i am impressing, i discovered her qualities from Oskana, it's véry
Oskana, i thing you are a friendly gilr too.i Hope you are happy.
Thankyou for commentaries from >Aurore and your picture.
Sorry for my language; its very bad
Anny Mariotte